Why Direct Cremation in Ottawa Can Be A Sensible Choice

By Published On: juillet 17, 2018Categories: Blogues

Simple and Effective

Financial issues can sometimes compel families to opt for direct cremation in Ottawa because this enables them to avoid not just potential problems related to money but also the fuss that may come with typical funeral arrangements. In such a scenario, cremation takes place shortly after death without the need for arrangements such as a memorial service or visitation that require additional preparation and certain fees. Direct cremation is a preferred option when family and friends want to avoid an elaborate service and simply deal with their grief after a loved one has been laid to rest. They are also commonly chosen in cases where funeral pre-planning services have not been made.

More Affordable Services

When a family opts for direct cremation in Ottawa, they choose the process for its simplicity and affordability. What happens in such a scenario is that a funeral director meets with the bereaved to complete any necessary paperwork and required authorizations for a death to be registered, after which a death certificate and cremation permit are issued. Arrangements are then made for a transfer from the place of death to a funeral home, direct cremation or cemetery. Formalities like a service or wake are dispensed with for personal reasons, and this option is often chosen by those who wish to avoid such arrangements.

Additions For A Fee

First Memorial Funeral Services offers basic cremation with no service options at an extremely affordable cost, but there are other options for direct cremation in Ottawa that can be included on the basis of personal wishes. One can choose to draft and insert an obituary notice in newspapers, for example, purchase a cemetery property or urn, or purchase Estate Fraud Protection Coverage for an additional, reasonable fee. The services offered are flexible, and one can also opt for Celebration of Life or Memorial services in addition to direct cremation.

Direct Cremation Services

First Memorial Funeral Services is a leading choice for affordable burial cremation services that include direct cremation in Ottawa. Our professionals can handle mortal remains, cultural or religious rites and other aspects of a wake or service. For more information, contact us today.

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