VACHON, Regis Guy CD

Aug 02, 2019

Peacefully, August 2, 2019 at the age of 85. Beloved husband and friend of Verna (Doucet), beloved father of Suzane Urquhart (Ronald), Guy (Lynn Murphy), André (Joyce Crawford), beloved grandfather (papa) of Christine, Sylvie, James, Melissa, Gabriel, Sébastien, Jérémy, Joshua, Melissa, Christopher and Matthew, beloved great grandfather of William, Mackenzie, Eloïse, Ludovic, Silas, James, Simi, Marshalland Vivian – See You Later!

Guy (Vache) Vachon loyally served in the Canadian Armed Forces within the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps for twenty-five years retiring as a Corporal and having served in Korea in a ‘Special Duties’ role, a part of Canada’s contribution (1953-1956) to the UN’s observation mandate following the Armistice – Cease-fire signed in July of 1953. Retirement was followed by service as a Public Servant within the Federal Public Service followed by employment in the Canadian Corps of Commissionaires. ‘Vache’ was a proud member of the Korea Veterans Association of Canada (KVA). He attained his Fourth Degree Status as a member of the Knights of Columbus. During his posting to Canadian Forces Base Rockcliffe he received a Base Commanders Award for Outstanding Leadership and Contribution to the Promotion of Physical Fitness in his Section and as an Active Member of the Community Council. In civilian life, he received the Marcel ‘Mac’ Chaput Award in recognition of 35 years of community volunteering. Funeral service will be held at Saint-Louis-Marie-de-Montfort (749 Trojan St, ottawa on) Friday, august 16, 2019 at 1:00 p.m.

Paisiblement, le 2 août 2019 à l’âge de 85 ans. Époux bien-aimé et ami de Verna (Doucet), père bien-aimé de Suzane Urquhart (Ronald), Guy (Lynn Murphy), André (Joyce Crawford), grand-père bien-aimé (papa) de Christine, Sylvie, James, Melissa, Gabriel, Sébastien, Jérémy, Joshua, Mélissa, Christopher et Matthew, arrière-grandpère bien-aimé de William,Mackenzie, Éloïse, Ludovic, Silas, James, Simi, Marshall et Vivian – À tantôt à vous tous!

Guy (Vache) Vachon a servi loyalement dans les Forces armées canadiennes au sein du Corps royal de l’intendance de l’Armée canadienne pendant vingt-cinq ans, prenant sa retraite comme caporal et ayant servi en Corée dans le rôle de «fonctions spéciales», dans le cadre de la contribution du Canada (1953-1956). Au mandat d’observation des Nations Unies après l’armistice – cessez-le-feu signé en juillet 1953. La retraite a été suivie d’un emploi dans la fonction publique fédérale, suivi d’un emploi dans le Corps canadien des commissionnaires. «Vache» était un fier membre de l’Association Canadienne des vétérans de la Corée (KVA). Il a atteint son statut de quatrième degré en tant que membre des Chevaliers de Colomb. Lors de son affectation à la Base des Forces canadiennes Rockcliffe, il a reçu le prix du commandant de la base pour son «leadership exceptionnel et sa contribution à la promotion de la condition physique dans sa section et en tant que membre actif du conseil communautaire». Dans la vie civile, il a reçu le prix Marcel «Mac» Chaput en reconnaissance de ses 35 ans de bénévolat dans la communauté.

Service funéraire aura lieu à Saint-Louis-Marie-de-Montfort (749, rue Trojan, Ottawa ON) le vendredi 16 août 2019 à 13 heures.



  1. Ken Pierce August 13, 2019 at 7:46 pm - Reply

    My deepest sympathies go out to Verna and the family. In the military, Guy was one of a kind; as a fellow veteran I couldn’t tell you how much his friendship, comradery, story telling and antics helped so many of us find laughter and see the brighter side of Life. Thankyou for everything my friend. You are now part of the advanced party and will be there to greet us apon our arrival. Until then – RIP Guy….

  2. Joyce Lavigne August 13, 2019 at 11:46 am - Reply

    My deepest sympathies. He will be missed. RIP uncle Guy, thank you for all your great memories, stories and time spent with you at the cottage.

  3. Joanne Lavigne & Jake Michaud August 12, 2019 at 10:44 pm - Reply

    My sympathy to Aunt Verna, Suzanne, Guy and Andre and family. It’s been a few years that I haven’t seen him. He will be missed. RIP Uncle Guy

  4. Lee Leroux August 12, 2019 at 8:29 pm - Reply

    So very saddened by this news. Guy was one of the nicest men I have ever met. Spent many times at your house as a kid with my parents. You and your hometown buddy are together again, I’m sure Lash had a cold one ready for you good sir. My condolences to all who loved Guy. He was certainly one of the good ones and will be missed by all I am sure.

    RIP Guy

  5. Suzane Urquhart August 12, 2019 at 5:11 pm - Reply

    Thank you for your kind memories and condolences.

    Suzane Vachon Urquhart

  6. Richard Pelletier August 12, 2019 at 4:39 pm - Reply

    Guy étais un compagnon de troupe sympathique,j’ai eu la chance de travailler a Rockliffe avec lui. Nous étions une couple de jeunes soldats canadiens francais avec des problemes de langage et Guy nous a beaucoup aidé
    a passer au travers cette étape
    Repose en paix Guy

    Richard pelletier

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