You were a very good ex boyfriend, glad I got you o be a part of it
You will be missed
Was just looking at your pic the other day
Dominique van der Graaf
February 2, 2018 at 6:49 am - Reply
Terry you are my best friend. You helped when my father died. I helped you when your Alexendre died, I will never forget that heartbreaking day. Who will I call when I’m sad? Who will I call when I have some juicy gossip? Why does everyone I love die? I will miss you forever Terry.
Dominique van der Graaf
January 31, 2018 at 5:44 am - Reply
My heart is broken & no one is getting back to me about arrangements. Please let me know when the service is being held.
Do you know when the funeral is? D
You were a very good ex boyfriend, glad I got you o be a part of it
You will be missed
Was just looking at your pic the other day
Terry you are my best friend. You helped when my father died. I helped you when your Alexendre died, I will never forget that heartbreaking day. Who will I call when I’m sad? Who will I call when I have some juicy gossip? Why does everyone I love die? I will miss you forever Terry.
My heart is broken & no one is getting back to me about arrangements. Please let me know when the service is being held.