Dec 30, 1959 - Feb 13, 2021
Maria Hortensia Garay,
Born December 30, 1959. Survived by her Mother, Emilia Rosa Garay, her Siblings; Margoth, Wilfredo (Estella), Geo (Lisa), Emmanuel (Corina). Her two children; Emily (Victor) & Jose (Kathleen) and grandchildren (Chanelle & Baby Garay).
Born in El Salvador and moved to Houston USA in the early 80’s and later immigrated to Ottawa, Canada. She enjoyed working in the caregiving industry of children, while providing for her family and later transitioned to the transportation of youths.
She was a sister, cousin, aunt, a mother, a father figure, grandma, caregiver, a friend, a counselor, she was everything to us.
Maria, Hortensia, Tencha, Tia, Mom, Nana Tensia. Te queremos mucho, Descanse en Paz
Due to covid 19 restrictions a private visitation will be held At 1411 Hunt Club Road, Friday February 19th, 2021. Please call 613-860-2424 to reserve a spot. Spots are limited.
Nuestro más sentido pésame a su familia. Hortensia era una mujer fuerte, una madre cariñosa y una amiga maravillosa. No importa la edad que tengamos, nunca es fácil perder a un miembro querido de la familia. Nuestra familia la recordará siempre y la tendrá a ella y a todos ustedes en nuestras oraciones. Su familia ha ganado un hermoso ángel de la guarda.
Con mucho amor
Tia Emilia, Oscar, Margoth, Geofredo, Wilfredo, Meme y el resto de la familia, reciban mis mas sinceras condolencias de parte mia, de Karla y Louann. Yo se que no hay palabras que puedan consolarlos, pero Dios les va a dar el consuelo y la fuerza para sobrellevar este terrible dolor. We just returned to Canada and due to being in quarantine, I won’t be able to join you, but our thoughts are with the family. Love