Nov 12, 2020
Stella Gallinger (nee Graveline) passed away November 12, 2020 at age 73. Predeceased by her eldest son Edward “Eddie” Gallinger, daughter Christine Boisclair and grandson Peter Gallinger. Stella was one of 19 children, was a loving mother of 4, and whose many grandchildren were never far from her thoughts. She is survived by her youngest sons Rheal and Michel and will be dearly missed by 3 brothers and 3 sisters
Stella had a selfless heart, sharing all that that she had with anyone who needed it, whether it was room in her home if you needed a place to stay, a home cooked meal if you were hungry or a simple gift to bring a smile to your face. She was quite the entrepreneur, scanning stores for the best deals to then turn a profit at her weekly garage sale. Her home was always filled with family, friends, love and laughter. No matter what life threw Stella’s way, she was always in good humour.
She will forever be in our hearts and our fondest memories.
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