EAR, Muy Heak Meymara

Mar 25, 2020

À Ottawa, le 25 mars 2020, à l’âge de 98 ans , est décédée Mme Ear Muy Heak Meymara.

Elle laisse dans le deuil ses trois fils : Ponnor (Phary Sun), Mengmara (Phat Sok) et Khorithy (Lynda Tan); ses deux filles Khosi Chheng (Kim Thay Min) et Khorany (Sophal Cheam); ses petits-enfants : Sokunthy, Melody, Tiffany, Pascal, Eliza, Lyphear, Line, Sophanara, Sophanarin, Vonita, Lawrence, Khorina, Jonathan, Sophie et Richard; ses arrière-petits-enfants, ses neveux et nièces, ainsi que d’autre famille et amis.

Dans les circonstances actuelles, une cérémonie privée et intime aura lieu.



  1. hamid hamid March 30, 2020 at 5:06 pm - Reply

    Hi Lynda and the family,

    Please accept my condolences for your lost. God bless her.

  2. Taing Kim-Nguon March 28, 2020 at 8:54 am - Reply

    ជំរាបសួរបង-ប្អូនជាទីនឹករឭក។ខ្ញុំគឺ គីមងួន នៅបារាំងនៅចាំខ្ញុំទេ?…ខ្ញុំត្រូវជាកូនតាំងម៉េងថៅកែឡានបែកចាន។ខ្ញុំមានការសោកស្តាយនិងសូមចូលរួមមរណៈទុក្ខជាមួយបង-ប្អូនផង ហើយសូមឧទ្ទិសដល់វិញ្ញាណក្ខ័ណ្ឌកូវអញ្ជើញទៅកាន់សុខតិភពកុំបីឃ្លាងឃ្លាតឡើយ។

  3. Jean and Regine Kamthong March 27, 2020 at 5:13 pm - Reply

    Please accept our condolences to all of family members

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hamid hamid

Hi Lynda and the family, Please accept my condolences for your lost. God bless her.