Nov 25, 2020
C’est avec le cœur lourd plein de peine que je vous annonce le décès de Jose Barona le 18 novembre 2020. Jose a été mon conjoint durant 43 belles années et père de nos deux enfants Daniel (Mélissa Lortie) et Nicolas. Il était le Yayo adoré de Gabriel et Marisa, gendre de (Rosario Langa) et meilleur ami de la famille Garcia
Il restera toujours dans le cœur de ses nièces (Tanya, Carla) et ses neveux (Alex, Andrés, Sergio, Adrian et David) et de ses belles-sœurs (Margarita Langa et Malou Alvarez) ainsi que ses nombreux ami(e)s et collègues de travail. Il restera toujours dans la mémoire de ceux qui l’ont connu car il était une âme généreuse et pleine de compassion. Les portes de la maison était toujours ouverte pour ses amis et même pour ceux qu’il connaissait à peine.
Il était toujours le plus heureux accompagné de sa famille et ami(e)s autour d’une copieuse table et du bon vin. C’était un homme qui aimait les plaisirs simples de la vie; la famille, les amie(s) et aussi les petits caprices gastronomiques et la chaleur de l’été. Il restera toujours dans nos cœurs.
Depuis son diagnostic de cancer de la prostate en décembre 2017, il a lutté contre la montre mais la maladie a gagné. Il nous laisse dans une immense tristesse. Nous nous consolons en sachant qu’il n’a plus à se battre, il ne souffrira plus. Il repose maintenant en paix.
Des remerciements très spéciales à Manon Dessilets et Émilie Paradis pour leur réconfort, leur soutien durant sa maladie et aussi pour leur démonstration d’affection et d’amitié durant les nombreuses années qu’elles ont travaillées avec lui.
La famille tient aussi à remercier les docteurs, les infirmières et le personnel de soutien du Centre de cancérologie de l’Hôpital général ainsi que les infirmières du RLISS de Champlain pour leurs excellents services et leurs bons soins donnés à Jose et la famille.
Tenant compte de la pandémie actuelle, une Célébration de vie aura lieu à une date ultérieure.
Vos marques de sympathie au nom de Jose peuvent se traduire par un don à la Société canadienne de cancer ou à la Maison de soins palliatifs d’Ottawa.
Si vous désirez transmettre vos condoléances à la famille, vous pouvez le faire à leur adresse ou laissez vos messages sur la page de First Memorial Fairview.
Merci à tous pour votre compassion.
Elvira, Daniel, Nicolas
It is with a very heavy heart filled with sadness that I announce the passing of Jose Barona, my beloved husband of 43 beautiful years, cherished father of our two sons, Daniel (Mélissa Lortie). He was the adored Yayo of Gabriel and Marisa, loved son-in-law of Rosario Langa and family to the Garcia family.
He will always remain in the heart of his nieces (Tanya, Carla) and his nephews (Alex, Andrés, Sergio, Adrian et David, his Godson), his sisters-in-law (Margarita, Malou) as well as his many friends and colleagues. He will always remain in the memory of those who have met him because he was a generous soul filled with compassion. The house doors were always open to family, friends and even to those he had just met.
He was happiest when surrounded by his family and friends around a plentiful table and good wine. Jose was a man that loved the little pleasures in life: his family, friends, gourmet food and the hot summer days. He will always be in our hearts.
Since his prostate cancer diagnostic in December 2017, he fought against the clock but lost the battle. We take solace knowing that he does not have to fight anymore and that he no longer suffers. He now forever rests in peace.
The family wishes to give special thanks to Manon Dessilets et Émilie Paradis for their support and special attention during Jose’s battle with cancer and also for the many demonstrations of love and friendship during the many years they work with him.
The family also gives special thanks to the doctors, nurses and all support staff of the General Hospital Cancer Centre and the Champlain LHIN, the Bayshore Homecare Solutions for the diligent and tender care given to Jose and to the family during these trying times.
Due to the actual Covid-19 pandemic, a Celebration of Life will be held at a future date.
If you wish, donations in his memory can be made to the Canadian Cancer Society or Hospice Care Ottawa.
If you wish to send your condolences to the family, you may do it directly to their personal e-mails or leave them on the obituaries page of First Memorial Fairview.
Thank you for your compassion.
Elvira, Daniel, Nicolas
Elvira and family, I was so sorry to learn of Jose’s passing. He loved his family so much. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Saddened to hear of Tony’s passing.
Worked with him over a period of many years at
May he Rest In Peace.
Querida Elvira y familia sentimos mucho la perdida de Jose y es algo que nunca estamos preparados para perder a un ser querido ,pero es parte de la vida y no podemos hacer nada para evitarlo tienes que ser fuerte y recordad las cosas buenas que vivisteis juntos y aférrate a esos recuerdos ,yo pienso que hay algo mejor en la otra vida .Nuestro mas sentido pésame a toda la familia un fuerte abrazo Jaime y Mary Carmen
My sincere condolences to you all, I had the privilege to work with Jose, party and share some memorable time. You will be miss xo
my deepest condolences to the family he will be greatly missed LJ
Es muy doloroso cuando un ser querido nos deja, sobre todo después de una larga enfermedad. Aunque no hay palabras que puedan aliviar vuestra pena… Os acompañamos en vuestro dolor y pediremos por su alma. Un abrazo de,
Rafael Valenzuela y Sra.
Our condulences to the family and friends of Jose. Alfonso will be forever grateful for the many years of friendship. Jose you will be missed and forever loved.
Alfonso and family
I spend half of my life working with Jose, and was more than a brother to me . He was a very special person with a big heart and was loved by everyone that new him . It was an honour knowing you Jose and I’m going to miss you .
Querida Elvira y familia…os mandamos nuestro más sentido pésame por vuestra pérdida . Un fuerte abrazo y mucho cariño de vuestros amigos…Esperanza , Cristina y familia. ❣️💫
Bonitas y merecidas palabras.
Siempre estará en nuestro corazón y en los recuerdos de momentos compartidos.
Nuestro cariño para la familia.
Un gran abrazo.
Pensando en vosotros ! Animo 🙏💪😘
My deepest condolences to Francine and family, Brent, Melisa and Eric. Tony will be missed by all of you in so many ways, but your sweet memories of him as a husband, father and grandfather will keep him alive in your hearts forever. Love lives on in the little things you shared, in the moments you’ll always treasure and the happiness they brought to your life. Tony was a very special cousin, my second brother, who was there throughout my life. He was a blessing to us all. His humour and ability to see the bright side and guidance over various bumps in our lives were a great help and made all of our lives so much better. His strength, sense of humour, courage, selflessness, etc. were incomparable, especially during his illness. Rest well our new Angel. Love you my brother always and forever beyond this lifetime, ZZ 👼🙏💝
My deepest condolences to Francine and family, Brent, Melisa and Eric. Tony will be missed by all of you in so many ways, but your sweet memories of him as a husband and father will keep him alive in your hearts forever. Love lives on in the little things you shared, in the moments you’ll always treasure and the happiness they brought to your life. Love lives will never fade away.
Love always, Zina
P.S. I’m sorry but this part was lost when I earlier posted my condolences as I think I hit the wrong button and deleted this part, managed to recreate it. So so sorry because I deeply wanted to post my deepest condolences to all of as Tony was such a blessing to all of you.
My deepest condolences to Francine and family, Brent, Melisa and Eric. Tony will be missed by all of you in so many ways, but your sweet memories of him as a husband and father will keep him alive in your hearts forever. Love lives on in the little things you shared, in the moments you’ll always treasure and the happiness they brought to your life. Love lives will never fade away.
Love always, Zina
P.S. I’m sorry but this part was lost when I earlier posted my condolences as I think I hit the wrong button and deleted this part, managed to recreate it. So so sorry because I deeply wanted to post my deepest condolences to all of as Tony was such a blessing to all of you.
Tony was a very special cousin, my second brother, who was there for me throughout my life . He was such a blessing. We had many discussions/arguments/ banterings both political (with laughter) and otherwise that were the highlight of an otherwise dull existence. His humour and ability to see the bright side and guidance over various bumps in our lives were a great help. His strength, sense of humour, courage, selflessness, etc. were incomparable, especially during his illnesses. I’m sure he’s an Angel now smiling down on us, together with Lino at his side, beer in hand, as they did many a time during various special occasions.
Love you my brother always and forever and a day and beyond this lifetime. ZZ 🥰🙏👼😘
So very sorry to hear of Tony’s passing. He was a kind and gentle person…Loved his cottage and life. He surely will be missed. My deepest condolences to his family…take special care everyone.
R.I.P. Cousin. You always made me laugh with your great sense of humor.
I will sadly miss Tony. TONY REST IN PEACE
Our deepest sympathy. Tony will be missed by us all but will remain in our memories always.
Andy, Jeannine, Kody, Khloe, William and Ann
Our warmest condolences ,
Thinking of you & your family during this difficult time .
Sending our love & prayers
Albert ,Cristina ,Dora ,Alex Lisa & Steve
Josée et Sylvain nos sincères condoléances.Nous vous portons dans nos prières et pensées.Que le Seigneur vous accompagnent dans ces moments de peine.
Tony May you Rest In Peace.🙏
So very sorry for your loss, Tony was always great to deal with and was most certainly an incredibly nice man.
May all your great memories get you through this difficult time.
Condolences from everyone at Donnelly Ford
Toutes mes sympathies à toute la famille.
Mes pensées sont avec vous …
Nos plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille.
Nos pensées sont avec vous dans ce moment difficile.
Sharon et Pierre.
Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you during these
times . In deepest sympathy .
Marina, Cosimo and Damiano Negro
Deepest condolences to Francine and family, Brent, Melisa and Eric. Tony will be so missed in so many ways. We loved his sense of humor, his stories and joy of life. Rest well dear cousin, you made our lives so much better! Love Rosana, Bruce and family.
Nos plus sincères condoléances à toi Francine et à la famille.
Chantal Morin et André Tessier